This seems appropriate for today, Veterans Day – November 11, 2011. There is buzz going around that I’m loving in regard to helping our Veterans find jobs.
Here’s what are government is doing in this endeavor:
I came across several posts this week on this subject that I thought were outstanding. One was over at Tim Sackett’s blog called “HR Pros – You Can’t Handle The Truth” and then on Kevin Grossman’s site called “Hiring Military Veteran’s – It’s a Pair of Ducks.”
I am so passionate about our Veterans and here’s why. Of course my Father and my brother were both in the Navy. No, that’s not why. The reason is I see our government sending them off to do our dirty work for us and when they return they can’t find jobs, they wind up homeless and discarded as disposable citizens. Or at least, that is how is has been.
Thank God, we are finally starting to see policy put in place from the head (being Washington) and trickling down into our corporations and businesses. Here is an example of an event taking place to help Veterans find jobs:
November 14, 2011 - Veterans Virtual Career Fair
Fast Track Your Military Experience to a Civilian Career. At the Veterans Virtual Career fair you will be able to communicate and engage with exhibitors and attendees in a collaborative virtual environment.
Thanks to all of you who have laid your lives down that we might lay our heads down at night in peaceful sleep. Thank you for all you have given up, that we might remain in freedom. We.Appreciate.You.