Perception vs. Reality

I’m still coming down from my SHRM11 high and am having a blast looking over pictures from my time there. You can see most of them HERE.

I won’t go into all the conference details but I do want to talk about a few things. First off, let me just say I loved the after hours events and just having the chance to get to spend time IRL with those whom I’ve connected online. We had a blast just having fun, singing karaoke, dancing it up, hanging in the VIP rooms and just letting loose.

TLNT partnered with StarrTincup and threw a bang up party where I got to meet Elvis (I knew he was alive and well) See HERE. After leaving TLNT party I went with a few folks to Gilley’s to watch someone ride the bull (I can’t say who, but ask me later) and it was hysterical. I have the video in case of blackmail.

I think one of the most fun things was SHRM’s After Hours party at Madame Tussaud’s. Here I ran into Kevin Grossman and Curtis Midkiff (SHRM’s Social Media Guy) and even ran into Brangolina and gave a few tips to my man Tiger. The more beer we had, the more karaoke we sang, the more every wax figure started looking as if they were real and started coming alive. It’s funny how your mind plays tricks on you.

My group started getting a little hungry and decided we would head down the strip to Denny’s (it’s about 1:30 and we are a little tipsy) to grab some grub! We walked out on the strip and I noticed a wax figure of Freddie Krueger so I decided to get my picture made with him. After all – it was just a ball of wax. I would never get my picture made with the real Freddy because I’m deathly afraid of him. (That movie scared the crap out of me). So I went to put my arm around him so I could have my friend take my picture and it wasn’t a wax figure at all, but a LIVE PERSON pretending to be a wax figure. It scared the padookie out of me when he started talking to me – I almost peed my pants.

I was so conditioned from my previous surroundings that I automatically assumed it was the same.

In the end: Things aren’t always as they appear. What we perceive isn’t always reality.